How Long After Mono to Drink Again

Mononucleosis is caused by the EBV virus which remains in the trunk in a dormant country. It spreads through the saliva of the patient and it is brash to avert kissing with the person who has recently been diagnosed with mononucleosis.

When Can I Kiss After Mono?

When Tin I Osculation Subsequently Mono?

Physicians and researchers have no information about when the person can kiss his partner after there are no symptoms of mononucleosis. It is true that the person suffering from mononucleosis during the agile infection stage shed more than viruses in their saliva as compared to who has the virus in the dormant stage. But, unfortunately, there is no conclusive testify to show how long the virus is present in the saliva after the symptoms subside.

The symptoms are of two types, ane the patient is feeling which includes fatigue, fever, pain, headache, night sweats, and sore throats. The other symptoms are those which are diagnosed by the medico and include swollen lymph nodes, bloated tonsils, and presence of EBV virus in the blood.

It is advised that the person must refrain from kissing in the absence of any of the above symptoms. Although the symptoms subsided there are loftier chances of presence of virus in the saliva immediately after the symptoms disappear.

The presence of virus in the saliva varies from person to person simply generally, the dr. advises to avoid the concrete contact for at least 2-3 weeks afterward the disappearance of the symptoms. The person should book an appointment with the dr. for subtle symptoms and the saliva test for the virus may also be done to diagnose the presence of the virus even subsequently the disappearance of symptoms.

Diagnosis Of Mono

Mononucleosis is the status caused due to Epstein Barr virus infection. The diagnosis is usually done through physical examination and if the physical exam suspects the presence of mononucleosis, further lab tests, which mostly include blood and antibody tests, are prescribed by the physician. Following are the diagnostic methods available.

  1. Physical Examination. Physical examination of the patient is carried by the doctor to analyze the symptoms. The symptoms are analyzed on the footing of age equally younger people are more than probable to contract mononucleosis. Initially, the symptoms of the condition are similar to flu or cold merely when the status becomes severe in next 10 days, the symptoms for mononucleosis are presented which includes bloated tonsils, sore throat, and bloated lymph nodes. The other serious symptoms of mononucleosis which the md tries to identify include intense fever, abdominal pain, swollen throat, and severe headache.
  2. Mono Spot Test. In one case the doc suspects the presence of mononucleosis through physical examination, he may propose the antibiotic test. Mono spot exam is an antibiotic test which tin be done in a single day. However, the results of the test are not so reliable as it may give false negative results. Nearly in 15-20% of the cases, this examination provides inaccurate results and thus not usually recommended.
  3. Consummate Blood Cell Count. Complete blood cell count is done which include analyzing the number of blood cells present. The differential count is too analyzed. There is an increased number of white blood cells due to infection in the claret. The characteristic feature of mononucleosis is lymphocytosis which indicated a higher number of lymphocytes with a specific appearance.
  4. Antibody Tests. Long duration antibody tests are the reliable diagnostic method to diagnose the presence of the Epstein Barr virus. The blood sample of the patient is taken, and the antigen-antibiotic reaction is conducted. These tests are washed in instance the monospot test is negative, just the other symptoms indicate mononucleosis.
  5. Specific Tests. Various other specific tests are bachelor which diagnose the presence of Epstein Barr virus. These tests include the early antigen test, Epstein Barr virus nuclear antigen tests and Viral Capsid Antigen exam.


Conclusive pieces of testify are not available to conclude when a person may kiss without any fear of mononucleosis spread. Still, it is generally advised to avoid kissing for 1-2 weeks later on the disappearance of the symptoms.

Also Read:

  • Mono Infection or Pfeiffer's Affliction: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications
  • Infectious Mononucleosis (Mono) or Glandular Fever or Kissing Disease: Causes, Handling
  • Treatment for Mono Infection or Pfeiffer's Illness: Alternative Medicine & Treatment,Nutrition, Prognosis
  • A Guide on Early Symptoms of Mono: Signs of Mononucleosis in Adults and Toddlers
  • Monophobia or Fear of Beingness Solitary: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention
  • How Do Y'all Get Mono & How Long is it Contagious?
  • How Long Does Mono Terminal & Ways To Get Rid Of It?


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